We are a beachside community on the south shore of Long Island.

We are located on the Atlantic Ocean just 21 miles from Manhattan.

BOARDWALK – Starting our off-season construction of the bike lane and decking – The Plaza ramp will be open with access up to Clearwater Beach Club.  There will be a complete closing off of the boardwalk from the East side of the Clearwater up to Genesee ramp, eliminating the ability to go from end to end.  Access from the ramps at Genesee and Putnam will be open.

Guest Parking Permits | Please send email to office@villageofatlanticbeach.com with the name -address -date(s) – number of passes. Parking permits will be ready for pick up at the village office between 8 am and 3:45 pm.

Special Amnesty Program

The Village of Atlantic Beach has instituted a special amnesty program for parking violations.  This program will run thru and including May 15th 2025.  Please be advised that all penalties will be reinstated for tickets issued as of November 13, 2024.  This program applies to tickets given prior to November 12th 2024. 

CODE ENFORCEMENT – Residents who want to report a CODE ENFORCEMENT matter call the office during normal business hours – (516) 371-4600. After hours – 4 :00 PM to 10:00 PM CODE ENFORCEMENT can be contacted by TEXT ONLY at (516) 242-9923.  Suspicious activity should be reported directly to NASSAU COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT by calling 911.

All other non-urgent matters (vehicles traveling too fast, wrong direction, etc….) should call the NASSAU COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT at 

(516) 573-6400 or send an e-mail to office@villageofatlanticbeach.com and we will consult with our Liaison to forward your concerns.

Garbage Pickup

Click here to learn more

Pay Taxes Online

Adopted Budget

2024-2025 Adopted Budget

Closing of Beaches

Monday, Labor Day, September 2nd will conclude our beach season. After this date, beaches will be unprotected by lifeguards and no bathing will be permitted.  Please remove all items from the beach houses no later than 6:00 PM on Labor Day, September 2nd.

Atlantic Beach Beautification

T-shirts – Caps – Sweatshirts – Jackets – Dresses
Available in the village office – Monday – Friday 8 AM – 3 PM

Village of Atlantic Beach June 18, 2024 Election  Results

Mayor: George J. Pappas – # of votes: 278
Trustee: Barry M. Frohlinger # of votes: 275
Trustee: Anthony Livreri # of votes: 215

2025 Parking Stickers

Are available at the VIllage Hall – Monday – Friday 9 am – 3pm $400

Public Works

We will be starting our off-season construction of the bike lane and decking on or around the 21st of October.  The Plaza ramp will be open with access up to Clearwater Beach Club.  There will be a complete closing off of the boardwalk from the East side of the Clearwater Beach Club up to the Genesee ramp, eliminating the ability to go from end to end.  Access from the ramps at Genesee and Putnam will be open.